2025 Online HeartMath® Course
The Heart Knows 5-week series of HeartMath Techniques
Service Description
Join our Group Coaching sessions led by Kansas Carradine and embark on a journey of collective learning and growth. These sessions offer a unique opportunity to delve into the world of HeartMath® and personal development within a supportive and interactive community setting. Kansas brings her extensive experience and heartfelt approach to each session, creating an environment where participants can share, learn, and grow together. In this first class, you will learn about... What is Heart Rate Variability, and how does it relate to Coherence? How does the heart regulate our neurochemistry, hormones, and immune system? See the science that explains how emotions affect human physiology. What exercises can be done to increase harmony in animal-human relationships, increase resilience and improve communication? How can we create a better heart-based world for our horses, pets, and loved ones? Guided by our internal guidance system, we can find ease and stability in turbulent times. Weekly 2.5 hour classes over the course of 5 weeks make sure you see the results and lasting change you are seeking! Discover how a heart-based perspective can change your life! Testimonial : "I was part of a HeartMathⓇ course that Kansas organized. It was a game changer. Her ability to explain the concepts and information and guide you through learning the practice of heart field mediations was deeply fulfilling. It gave me a finer appreciation of the heart's creative capacity, and practical eye opening tools for making positive change in my life, the lives of the people and animals around and me, and very much with my horse. These are life changing tools that anyone can incorporate into your every day, for all scenarios. Thank you Kansas for your dedication and passion to making lasting progressive change in the hearts of many, one heart at a time." - Jayne
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
1034 Emerald Bay Road, South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA